Farhan Adiandoro

Front-end Web Developer, Product Management Enthusiast, Robotic Engineer

I plan, code, and crafting beautiful webpage for engaging digital era.

About Me

As a former back-end engineer at Harian Kompas, I quickly became passionate about web development and transitioned to front-end development. With over 3 years of experience in web development, I have gained expertise in Nuxt JS, Next JS, Vue JS, React JS, TypeScript, Laravel, Firebase and MySQL. I'm excited to continue growing my skill set and exploring new technologies in the field of web development and beyond.

In addition to my technical skills, I have completed a comprehensive Product Management course, enhancing my ability to create effective, user-centric products that meet business objectives. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for creating exceptional user experiences, I'm committed to delivering high-quality results on every project.

I'm excited to continue growing my skill set and exploring new technologies in the field of web development and beyond.

I am currently available to provide website development services. For inquiries, please feel free to reach me at adiandoro58@gmail.com.


List of stacks that I use

Tailwind CSS


Since the beginning of my journey as a web developer, I'm still working on Harian Kompas and collaborated with talented people to create an engaging digital products for both business and consumer use.

List of projects that I've build:

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